That Level Again 3 – “Its All in Your Hands” Walkthrough


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That Level Again 3 Story Its All in Your Hands Walkthrough, Solutions, Tips and Walkthroughs. Game available on iPhone, iPod, iPad, Kindle and Android.

That Level Again 3 by IamTagir

TLA and TLA2 continued. This time it’s not levels, but a story (and a few separate levels).
A lot of logic brain teasers and interesting solutions.
Read the messages, use your brains and have fun!

Its All in Your Hands Walkthrough

  • After opening the door you move the platform above you with your fingers. Swipe right the block and go back to the other room to take the key that has fallen down. Go back to the new room and use the little platform as an elevator by holding it and swiping up. Swipe the block on the left to your right so you can jump. Open the door with the key.