That Level Again 3 – “A Little Bit Further” Walkthrough


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That Level Again 3 Story A Little Bit Further Walkthrough, Solutions, Tips and Walkthroughs. Game available on iPhone, iPod, iPad, Kindle and Android.

That Level Again 3 by IamTagir

TLA and TLA2 continued. This time it’s not levels, but a story (and a few separate levels).
A lot of logic brain teasers and interesting solutions.
Read the messages, use your brains and have fun!

A Little Bit Further Walkthrough

  • On the right side near the pause button there should be crack on the wall. Move your key close to it until it cracks. Keep moving your key to the right side until you see a red button with green base (not the first button, but the second). Now when you see the “Double Jump” use two fingers and click on the up arrow, it will make you jump higher.