Word Whizzle

Word Whizzle

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Cheats, Solutions, Tips, Answers and Walkthroughs for popular app game “Word Whizzle”, available on iPhone, iPod, iPad, Kindle and Android.

Publisher: Apprope

Word Whizzle is the addicting and fun word search and word puzzle game of Word Whizzle! Find the words related to the theme and advance to the next level. Be extra careful of hidden words that are hiding in plain sight – the ANSWERS are right there. Each level is a new challenge as you continue to identify the hidden words by swiping up, down, diagonally, and across to build words and collect your points! There are over 700 themed levels to the game that you can master. You’ll start slow but it will get increasingly difficult as you go through solving each word puzzle level. It’s a great way to improve your vocabulary and work that brain. Not to worry – there are Word Whizzle puzzles for even more challenge and variety in your word and puzzle down time.

IF you get stuck – no worries, we at App Clarify will have the exact HELP that you need for Word Whizzle, including ANSWERS to the Daily puzzles. Our team plays the games and are ready with the help you need at the exact moment that you need it – just come here and check daily!

Check the ANSWERs below!

  • Word Whizzle Answers